Tuesday, 26 June 2012

The biggest losers...?

The biggest losers..?

So it's time to be totally honest. I didn't think for one minute that we would win Portas Pilot status...

Really? Yes, we're too good for Mary Portas' scheme, and I've blogged about that before. We did an incredible job, and we pulled together from all corners. Warwick has some amazing people and some amazing energy. Sure, it's often directed North, South, East and West of the mark, but we're working on targeting that. We were just too good! Now some of you may think I'm being cocky: "Look at him blogging about how wonderful his town is." Well, granted, it may look like that, but I think of it more as passion and pride. We did a grand job and we continue to do so in Warwick, even in tough times with the economic and local pressures. So much so, that opportunities are coming our way.

Recently we were approached to pilot a mobile app for towns. Local company Green-Edge approached us to pilot their new 'iTown' app, purely because we have a get-up-and-go attitude. Praise indeed. Sure the app may not be perfect, but it has great potential. It may not be suitable for Warwick, but it's a great chance to test something for free. There will be news soon on our month-long pilot of the mobile app.

We have also been contacted by Action for Market Towns. Jamie Veitech has seen what Warwick has managed to achieve, and is particularly impressed with the unique use of social media to raise the profile and mobilise the campaign. We have been asked to host the "TownTeam take-off" event on July 18th. WarwickTweetup will be running a workshop on social media and how it can benefit a town's community. The Lord Leycester Hospital, one of our most prestigious venues, plays host to the invited 350 plus Portas Town Teams. Another sign that Warwick didn't lose anything with the Portas campaign.

My parents and teachers always said:

"It's not the winning, it's the taking part that counts."

How right they were. When you look at the drama in winning towns over the TV coverage, and then compare it with the free reign of opportunity Warwick has... it's a no-brainer. We are putting our video together, and will soon be in the line-up for the second round of 15 potential places.


Well of course we'd love to win, and I think they can chose more flamboyantly this time around. There's no way we should have been picked over Wolverhampton or Croyden for example. They're great places but when you look at the grand castle and amazing indie shops in Warwick you can see it was the right decision.

If you're looking for a town with energy and get up and go attitude, or want a team who will take every last drop of opportunity and spend £100,000 in the right areas, then we're here Mary Portas, and you know it!

WarwickRocks, and it always will, but we wouldn't mind a shot at Mary Portas and her backup crew, TV or otherwise. Come on Grant Shapps, take a chance on Warwick, we won't disappoint - it's not in our nature.

Thanks for reading, and as always I welcome your comments.

Todd @WarwickTweetup and member of the Warwick Town Team.

Together we're stronger. Have something to offer? Email us WarwickTweetup@gmail.com.

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